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H.M.S. Communications, Inc.


VSAT provides a reliable, efficient cost-effective solution to Point-Of-Sales Credit Card processing and business data consolidation and forwarding.  It allows for a business with multiple locations to link them to a central or multiple locations to provide real-time data processing and centralized data management as well as credit card processing without the need for fixed hard-line connections.  It provides a reliable private network in which various operating units can

VSAT utilizing standard IP protocol enables multi-platform performance, scalability, and enterprise wide ease of deployment and low per unit cost are just a start to the advantages of integrating a VSAT solution into your corporate enterprise.


Credit Card Processing

  • Fast Authorization Response Times
  • Network Reliability
  • Global Coverage
  • Low Deployment Cost
  • Cost Effective
  • Guaranteed Network Availability
  • IP compatibility and performance

Value-Added Solutions:

  • Point-of-sale polling, pricing and inventory management applications
  • Distribution and processing of human resources forms and information
  • Software distribution to remote servers
  • Interactive distance learning
  • Business TV and other corporate communications
  • In-store audio and video

Credit/Debit Card Authorizations

By replacing your terrestrial landline network with a VSAT satellite network, you will achieve faster credit card authorization and lower transaction costs for your organization. VSAT satellite networks can be leveraged to achieve other business critical solutions and value-added results to your operation.

Corporate Communications and Employee Training

VSAT can deliver enterprise-wide communications, including streaming video broadcasting, video-conferencing, in addition to allowing remote locations access to the corporate intranet, and the transmission of key sales, employee and inventory data to central processing centers for timely data acquisition and processing.

Interactive learning is another capability. This application allows all your valued employees to participate in corporate real-time, interactive training with live instructors on either TVs or computers. This content can also be broadcast to your locations, stored on computer hard drives enabling independent learning opportunities as well.

Music and/or Video

VSAT broadcasting solutions allow for the broadcast of digital music and video to remote sites. The broadcast content can either be sent as a live-stream or downloaded to be retrieved later.

Software Update Distribution

VSAT satellite networks allow for the broadcast of mission-critical software updates, applications, pricing and other information to remote sites simultaneously.

Enabling Enhanced Technology and Emerging Applications.

VSATs scalability and flexibility enables it to support the implementation of enhanced technology and emerging application within the organization.

Contact H.M.S. Communications, Inc. To Learn How VSAT Can Enhance Your Business Operations !

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Last modified: May 15, 2006