Mobile IP
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Introducing Inmarsat Mobile IP, the world's first global wireless packet data service. Mobile IP offers fast, continuous low-cost access to corporate networks in remote areas where there is no public telephone system or cellular coverage. This service is provided from a terminal approximately the size of a laptop computer.

Mobile IP was developed utilizing global internet standard Internet Protocol (IP) which is the underlying foundation of the internet. Mobile IP can be used for a wide range of applications from internet access and e-mail to e commerce. Users can be permanently connected to their Internet provider and pay only for the data packets sent and received over a single high-speed satellite data channel.

Mobile IP will offer lower equipment and utilization costs for those requiring reliable high-speed data connections in remote locations world-wide.

The Mobile IP service was introduced as a companion to the Global Area Network ISDN service.  The Global Area Network ISDN service offers reliable high-speed communications for data intensive applications that take up to all the bandwidth on a 64K. The ideal solutions for video and large data files.

Users will be able to switch between Mobile ISDN and Mobile IP services from the same lightweight Inmarsat M4 terminals. 



hmscomweb2.gif (15735 bytes)dealer_p.gif (1989 bytes)H.M.S. Communications, Inc.'s products and services are provided by Stratos, an international multi-network mobile satellite service provider offering a complete range of communications solutions.

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Last modified: May 15, 2006