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H.M.S. Communications, Inc.

H.M.S. Communications, Inc. Provides A Full Line Of Inmarsat Products And Services - H.M.S. Communications, Inc. Is A Proud Inmarsat Partner !

Inmarsat is the International Mobile Satellite Organization. Formed in 1979, this 84-nation organization provides quality, worldwide satellite communications.

Inmarsat provides the space segment capacity to the system, including interaction with all Inmarsat LES (Land Earth Stations) operated by independent Telecom Corporations around the world.  This space segment constellation provides a world-wide satellite coverage, except for the extreme polar regions.

The International Mobile Satellite Organization consists of eight satellites in a geostationary orbit. Four of these Inmarsat-3 satellites provide the global coverage See Inmarsat Coverage Map

The map image shows the four geostationary satellites operated by Inmarsat in the four Ocean Regions: Atlantic East (AOR-E), Atlantic West (AOR-W), Indian Ocean (IOR) and the Pacific Ocean (POR).

Each ocean region operates as an individual networks. The ocean regions are controlled by a Network Co-ordination Network (NCS). The NCS is responsible for the management of the communication traffic within its specific region. The NCS allocates available channels to the Mobile Earth Stations (MES (satellite terminals)), and then reassigns them when the channel is no longer in use. The Land Earth Stations or Coast Earth Stations (LESs or CESs) link the satellites and the public terrestrial telecommunications networks. The LES communicates with an ocean region satellite. 


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Last modified: May 15, 2006