Secure Communications
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H.M.S. Communications, Inc.

Secure Communications

For government agencies that require secure and reliable satellite communications our investment in the SIWF (Secure Inter-working Function) protocol ensures a high level of service. Our SIWF protocol supports a broad range of encryption devices including STU-III/IIB for Inmarsat-B, -M and mini-M, thus providing voice, fax and data encryption capabilities on a global basis. And there is no additional charge for encrypted communications.

H.M.S. Communications, Inc. Offers These Unique Stratos Benefits

Inmarsat-B at 9.6 kbps and Inmarsat-M at 4.8 kbps
Stratos is the only Inmarsat service provider to offer secure voice, fax and data services at these rates. Secure services are also available on Inmarsat mini-M at 2.4 kbps.

Easy Access
Since our SIWF protocol is available on all Stratos channel units, there is no competition for access. Other service providers dedicate only a portion of their channel units for secure traffic, which could lead to traffic congestion.

Completely transparent
Stratos’ SIWF protocol provides for seamless encryption. There is no need for a secure database at our land earth stations to identify SIWF capable terminals, and not even our operators can tell when a secure call is in progress.

Only Software
Our SIWF is a completely transparent software solution. Software pre-loaded in your terminal and within our channel units at the land earth station (LES) enables the user to easily access secure services.

Terminal-to-terminal calls
Stratos is the only company offering terminal-to-terminal secure capability.

Built-in flexibility
Stratos’ SIWF is the only protocol capable of supporting other encryption devices. STU-III and STU-IIB are the most common encryption devices in use by North American and European governments, but Stratos’ SIWF protocol can also support other encryption devices in use around the world.

STU-IIB on Inmarsat-B, -M and mini-M
Stratos is the only Inmarsat service provider to support STU-IIB on Inmarsat-B, -M and mini-M.

dealer_p.gif (1989 bytes) H.M.S. Communications, Inc.'s products and services are provided by Stratos, an international multi-network mobile satellite service provider offering a complete range of communications solutions.

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Last modified: May 15, 2006