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H.M.S. Communications, Inc.

LandSatwpe24.jpg (12858 bytes)

Reliable, affordable satellite services designed for fixed-site operations and mobile applications.  LandSat satellite service provides an economical, and  reliable mobile communications solution for the communications needs of  your business virtually anywhere in North America.  LandSat  services, utilize the latest in digital technology to provide secure, private voice, data and fax transmissions.

wpe25.jpg (15405 bytes)LandSat service is ideal for businesses that have remote or mobile operations that require affordable reliable, secure communications.  LandSat is well suited for the agricultural, geophysical, heavy construction, mining, petroleum exploration and production, timber, transportation industries. It is also suited for public and private law enforcement, emergency management applications. LandSat enables communications, where the ability to communicate is crucial to ensuring safety, operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

wpe26.jpg (7494 bytes)Throughout North America there are many remote, inaccessible locations where there is no cost-effective way to deliver secure, reliable and comprehensive telephone service. Many remote locations beyond the public telephone networks and outside the range of cellular telephone service.  LandSat provides the solution to remote communications service, that is both reliable and affordable.  No longer are remote locations isolated from the rest of civilization, they can have direct-dial secure access to the public telephone network through LandSat affordable equipment and service. Remote locations are not just limited to the Land, offshore permanent, and semi-permanent installation can utilized LandSat fixed-site service. Through LandSat's data service remote unmanned locations can provide both data, monitoring and control, helping to eliminate the need for costly manned visits to these locations.

wpe8.jpg (36844 bytes)LandSat services provides the capacity to communicate from just about anywhere throughout it's extensive coverage area.          ( North American Coverage Map )  LandSat provides the ability for nationwide two-way radio network for dispatch communications, circuit-switched data transmission, Group 3 fax, and telephone connectivity throughout its vast coverage area.


LandSat Communication Options

Circuit-Switched Data Transmission- provides 1200, 2400, 4800 bps circuit-switched data transmission capability to send and receive data reports, e-mail as well as faxes.

Telephony Connectivity - provides a wide range of options to connect to a variety of telephony accessories and systems including answering machines, extension phones, portable phones and PBX systems to name a few.

Two-Way Radio Dispatch Network - provides the ability to implement a private networked voice dispatch service from coast to coast, reliability and economically.

LandSat Service Features

Full-duplex voice communications

1200/2400 and 4800 bps data transmission

Push-to-talk dispatch communications

Landline access to mobile talk groups

24 hour-a-day Stratos customer service representatives

Secure direct-dial for all calls, including international calls

Voice mail that takes messages even when your phone is turned off or busy

Credit and debit card services

Call waiting, call forwarding, conference calling, and call barring

Equipment Options

Mitsubishi LandSat Phones and Accessories

Westinghouse LandSat Phones and Accessories


hmscomweb2.gif (15735 bytes)dealer_p.gif (1989 bytes) H.M.S. Communications, Inc.'s products and services are provided by Stratos, an international multi-network mobile satellite service provider offering a complete range of communications solutions.

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Last modified: May 15, 2006